Team & Partners

These remarkable partners and individuals embody the spirit of compassion and drive positive change.

Aleksi Korhonen
Security advisor

Security Specialist, studying in teacher education.

Aleksi Korhonen
Security advisor
Im a Entrepreneur, Security Specialist and also studying in teacher education. I wanted to use my professional experience for a good cause. Action makes hope. Hope makes action.
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Anu Ennelin
HR lead

I am the HR Lead at MovED, holding a background in chemistry, HR, and sustainability.

Anu Ennelin
HR lead
I am the HR Lead at MovED, holding a background in chemistry, HR, and sustainability. I am passionate about merging people and sustainability management (GreenHR) to foster more responsible business practices and enrich lives. In addition to volunteering at MovED, I also provide consulting services in HR and Sustainability through my own company, Vastuutakomo.
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Audiovisual technology and products that bring flexibility and easiness to the users without forgetting the aesthetic side.

Audiovisual technology and products that bring flexibility and easiness to the users without forgetting the aesthetic side.
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Audrey Downey
Web Developer

I'm in charge of developing, maintaining & updating MovEd's website.

Audrey Downey
Web Developer
I'm a web developer & musician and I'm in charge of helping MovEd with their web presence. I improve and update their website in order to help reach out to more people, help Ukrainians, receive donations & help them recruit more volunteers.
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Brainy Education

MovED is happy to contribute to the Oseredok project to create a network of education centers in Ukraine

Brainy Education
MovED is happy to contribute to the Oseredok project to create a network of education centers in Ukraine, improve teacher competencies and introduce new educational approaches based on STEM+Music. Oseredok is operated by our partner, the NGO Brainy Education.
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Carol Caputo
Researcher at MovED

I'm Carol, and I'm genuinely excited about contributing to the research and development efforts at MovED.

Carol Caputo
Researcher at MovED
I'm Carol, and I'm genuinely excited about contributing to the research and development efforts at MovED. I believe that feedback and continuous improvement play an important role in shaping more effective strategies and providing assistance. As a teacher, I empathize with the challenges faced by educators, especially those in Ukraine during these trying times. I believe that positive social and political changes occur through education, and I am here to support MovED in its genuine cause of assisting teachers in Ukraine.
Board Member
Dr. Reija Anckar
Head of Public Funding

Dr. Anckar sees MovED as a golden opportunity to do good in Ukraine by empowering youth with world-class education.

Dr. Reija Anckar
Head of Public Funding
Reija Anckar sees MovED as a golden opportunity to empower Ukrainian youth with world-class education. We want to educate teachers to enable societal change in a country that urgently needs rebuilding. To do this, we have put together an interdisiciplinary team that combines entrepreneurial agility, world-class educational expertise and creative changemakers, managed with hardcore professionalism to ensure that every cent is spent to the best effect.‍
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Finnish Global Education Solutions

Finnish Global Education Solutions is your academic partner when you want to start a new school or improve the existing one - the Finnish way.

Finnish Global Education Solutions
Finnish Global Education Solutions is your academic partner when you want to start a new school or improve the existing one - the Finnish way. We have well-defined frameworks for school functions and structures, professional knowledge building, and practical pedagogical work. With this systematic approach we ensure continuity and sustainable changes. All our services are designed by educational professionals and teachers with experience of the Finnish education system. We are a member of Education Finland program controlled by the Finnish National Agency for Education.
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Freeed is the perfect partner to constantly improve the competencies of Ukrainian teachers. It is an international platform where teachers can share best practices with a reach of over 150 000 teachers.

Freeed is the perfect partner to constantly improve the competencies of Ukrainian teachers. It is an international platform where teachers can share best practices with a reach of over 150 000 teachers.
Hannele Mennala

I am MovED co-founder and CEO. Experienced Business Leader, Startup co-founder and higher education expert with global mindset. Creating impact and growth in meaningful, inspiring global projects like this. Worked with Ukraine since 2018.

Hannele Mennala
I am MovED co-founder and CEO. Experienced Business Leader, Startup co-founder and higher education expert with global mindset. Creating impact and growth in meaningful, inspiring global projects like this. Worked with Ukraine since 2018.
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Hyvän Mielen Ministeriö

Ministry of Good Spirit is a community that believes in good spirit to make better decisions. It brings together people who are committed to good spirit, with the goal to launch circles of good by means of collective compassion and learning.

Hyvän Mielen Ministeriö
Hyvän Mielen Ministeriö or the Ministry of Good Spirit was founded in 2021 by one of our three founders, Mikko-Pekka Hanski. It is a community that believes in good spirit to make better decisions. It brings together people who are committed to good spirit, with the goal to launch circles of good by means of collective compassion and learning. The Ministry of Good Spirit was the starting incubator for MovED as well as several other projects for good.
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Innovation home

Innovation Home is a Finnish business home and Coworking service provider. They offer MovED an inspiring base and work environment in the heart of Helsinki. Thank you for giving us a home.

Innovation home
Innovation Home is a Finnish business home and Coworking service provider. They offer MovED an inspiring base and work environment in the heart of Helsinki. Thank you for giving us a home.
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Irina Kononenko
Treasury specialist

1st contact person at MovEd for a Mentee teacher from Ukraine.

Irina Kononenko
Treasury specialist
Jari Lavonen

Professor, University of Helsinki, PhD in education

Jari Lavonen
Professor, University of Helsinki, PhD in education
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Junior Academy of Sciences, Ukraine

Ukrainian Future is part of the Junior Academy of Sciences science education program with 150 000 yearly participants in Ukraine.

Junior Academy of Sciences, Ukraine
Ukrainian Future is part of the Junior Academy of Sciences science education program with 150 000 yearly participants in Ukraine. Established National program was founded 1964, and is under the auspices of UNESCO since 2018 and provided over 1000 innovation and 160 IPR certificates.Ukrainian Future is a respected business incubator offering a full range of services to accelerate growth of new venture creation. The concept of Ukrainian Future -incubator was developed with help from finnish experts based on finnish educational and entrepreneurial excellence.
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KPMG Finland

We are grateful to KPMG Finland for the opportunity to collaborate to empower young Ukraininans with world-class education by continuously improving the competencies of and respect for teachers.

KPMG Finland
We are grateful to KPMG Finland for the opportunity to collaborate to empower young Ukraininans with world-class education by continuously improving the competencies of and respect for teachers.
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Lyyti is a versatile and comprehensive event management system.

Lyyti is a versatile and comprehensive event management system. With it, you can implement live, online and hybrid events that build lasting partnerships and lead to better business.
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Makariv County

In the autumn of 2023, we will begin organising music camps, masterclasses for teachers and other tests in Makariv County to pilot new educational centers, teacher competency development and a new curriculum based on STEM and music. 

Makariv County
In the autumn of 2023, we will begin organising music camps, masterclasses for teachers and other tests in Makariv County to pilot new educational centers, teacher competency development and a new curriculum based on STEM and music. 
Mariia (Prykhodko) Kostiainen
Ukraine Advisor

I'm a Ukraine Advisor in the MovED team. I am a social field professional with experience in integration, equality and inclusion.

Mariia (Prykhodko) Kostiainen
Ukraine Advisor
I'm a Ukraine Advisor in the MovED team. I am a social field professional with experience in integration, equality and inclusion. It is crucial that we act now, each of us using our skills and knowledge contributing to Ukraine's victory and further development. I see MovED as a perfect opportunity to ensure fair and democratic future for Ukraine by providing world-class education to its youth.
Board Member
Mick Scheinin
Creative Director and Copywriter

I'm the Creative Director and one of the copywriters of MovED with a background in advertising, communication and development. I believe in simplifying complexity, interdisiciplinary teams and storytelling with an earned media and viral potential.

Mick Scheinin
Creative Director and Copywriter
I'm the Creative Director and one of the copywriters of MovED with a background in advertising, communication and development. I believe in simplifying complexity, interdisiciplinary teams and storytelling with an earned media and viral potential.
Board Member
Mikko-Pekka Hanski
Chairman of the Board

I am MovED co-founder and Chairman of the board. Besides this collective, I am founder of Ministry of Good Spirit - a social impact growth platform and board professional. Co-founder of Innovation & design company Idean (acquired by Capgemini 2017)

Mikko-Pekka Hanski
Chairman of the Board
I am MovED co-founder and Chairman of the board. Besides this collective, I am founder of Ministry of Good Spirit - a social impact growth platform and board professional. Co-founder of Innovation & design company Idean (acquired by Capgemini 2017)
Patrik Scheinin

Professor Emeritus Scheinin thinks that the best way to help Ukrainian youth learn is improving the competencies of teachers.

Patrik Scheinin
Professor Emeritus Patrik Scheinin, the ex-Dean of the Faculty of Education at the University of Helsinki, is a MovED advisor. He is happy to contribute to the rebuilding of Ukraine by improving the competencies of teachers, and sure that this is the best way to help Ukrainian youth learn and that he will learn a lot himself.
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Royston D'Sa
Service Design Specialist

Design and delivery of the MovED by mentoring project

Royston D'Sa
Service Design Specialist
Design and delivery of the MovED by mentoring project
Sirkku Lähdesmäki

PhD in education

Sirkku Lähdesmäki
PhD in education
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MovED uses music to inspire and raise awareness, funds and hope. This makes Slukh media, a hotspot of Ukrainian culture and music, such a great partner.

MovED uses music to inspire and raise awareness, funds and hope. This makes Slukh media, a hotspot of Ukrainian culture and music, such a great partner.
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Sonja-Sofia Thure
Head of Communications & Creative Strategist

The world is changed through words, as people wiser than me have stated and shown.

Sonja-Sofia Thure
Head of Communications & Creative Strategist
The world is changed through words, as people wiser than me have stated and shown. Even people like me, who really only know words, can make a difference and help in situations where we can’t do anything else. And that’s why I’m here, and I’m MovED - to help in any way I can. Slava Ukrajini!
Taru Staudinger
Graphic Designer

As a graphic designer, I love typography and being able to help Ukraine with my own expertise.

Taru Staudinger
Graphic Designer
As a graphic designer, I love typography and being able to help Ukraine with my own expertise. I always try to create things that move and touch people, and art has the power to do it. So I aim for human touch, oddities and imperfection that let the light in.
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Ukrainian Association in Finland

We are thankful for the opportunity to collaborate with Ukrainians in both Finland and Ukraine. Slava Ukraini!

Ukrainian Association in Finland
We are thankful for the opportunity to collaborate with Ukrainians in both Finland and Ukraine. Slava Ukraini!
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Uudenmaan liitto

We are grateful to the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional council for receiving 15,000 euros.

Uudenmaan liitto
We are grateful to the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional council for receiving 15,000 euros.
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Vastuunkantavat is a group of the best creative agencies and freelancers in Finland joined by the will to work for a good cause. Several creatives have already found us through them.

Vastuunkantavat is a group of the best creative agencies and freelancers in Finland joined by the will to work for a good cause. Several creatives have already found us through them.
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Thank you for your contribution

Anastasiia Novoposelenska
Project Coordinator, Ukraine
Elsa Levo
Project Coordinator
Jenni Brisk
Brand strategist
Naomy Hyvönen
Riku Tuppela
AD & Graphic Designer
Susanna Söderlund
Ulla Alakangas
Brand specialist & Content producer
Vitalii Lisovyi

Our Mentors

Kari Kunnari, Olavi Mertanen, Outi Korkiakoski, Ulriika Huima, Marika Alhonen, Sari Helena Nyrhinen, Laurianne Bellotti, Mia Roos, Johanna Noreila, Jenni Brisk, Reija Anckar, Mikko-Pekka Hanski and Hannele Mennala